
People fail to achieve their sport and fitness goals for many reasons

  • A lack of time
  • Motivation struggles
  • The inability to deal with barriers and setbacks, such as work, family, illness or injury

Having your own coach saves you time and stress, as you allow an expert to guide your development, and come up with solutions to your time, motivation, or persistent barriers. With so much information available on the internet, it is impossible to sort fact from fiction. You trust an accountant to manage your books and a mechanic to service your car, so it makes sense that you leave the management of your number one asset – your body and the achievement of significant life goals – to an expert.

Achieving a sporting or fitness goal is a fantastic achievement yet we only have to look at the state of health of the general population to realise that achieving a high-end target is not easy. The fact you are contemplating achieving a major goal already sets you apart from everyone else. However, there is a fine line between making your dreams a reality and falling back to the also rans. Nigel Pietsch Coaching wants to ensure you get the thrill that you can only get by achieving your goals.

Nigel Pietsch Coaching allows you to benefit from our coaches and allied health professionals’ years of study, racing, training, trial and error, testing, success and most importantly – mistakes. Over the years we have seen it, and probably done it all, when it comes to training and racing and mistakes. Starting today, you can be guided by a highly qualified coach to create a personalised training program that will help you achieve your goals and keep improving for years to come!

The benefits of a coach

  • Motivation: A coach can provide the impetus to kick-start and maintain your enthusiasm.
  • Structure: They remove the information overload and provide a sound, easy to follow system for you to follow, which inevitably will save you time.
  • Goal setting: A good coach will work with you to clearly define your goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them.
  • Advice: Coaches are a crutch, a listening post and someone who you can turn to when you need to talk and find answers.
  • Education: A coach will not only tell you what to do but they will teach you why. They will empower you to take ownership of your plan and grow as a person.
  • Injury and health prevention: Nothing slows progress more than injury. A skilled coach will have effective strategies in place to minimise the risks.
  • Plateau busting: We all reach that point where no amount of effort seems to get us over the hill. This is where a great coach will find a way to move you forward.
  • Creation of a plan: A coach gives you direction and optimises your chances of achieving your goals while maintaining a balanced life.
  • Feedback: Without feedback, how do you know if you are getting closer to your goals? Measurement tools and general feedback allow you to see things in perspective.
  • Cheerleader: Emotionally, a coach provides the support and encouragement you need – regardless of the time of day.
  • Fun: Making what some feel like a chore into a fun and exciting activity is the real gift of a coach.


Take your performance
to the next level!
Contact Nigel today